We offer one-to-one tutoring for students of all ages. We specialize in math and reading, but many more subjects are available (see a few examples below). We tutor throughout the school year as well as during the summer. Call us for more information!
Regular Tutoring
Students are given an evaluation to determine their strengths and weaknesses. From their results, we build a program to fit their needs. In addition to helping the student with homework and test preparation, tutors can work heavily from this program to help build each student's basic skills.
Summer Tutoring
The goal of summer tutoring is to prepare a student for their upcoming year of schoolwork. Math Crazy uses the same process from our regular school year tutoring program to help each student. We also continue to work on each student's basic skills. In addition, any student enrolled in summer school can receive the same help we offer with regular tutoring.
SAT Tutoring
Designed to prepare high school students for their upcoming tests, our SAT, SAT II and ACT subject programs use study guides, flash cards, and practice tests. Math Crazy offers help in both the mathematics and verbal components of the SAT. This program may be taken during the school year or summer. Our SAT program is offered privately (1 tutor with 1 student) or in a group seminar. Seminars are offered on Saturdays from 10 am to 1 pm. Call Tom Filer for more information or to register. 559-325-6789
CAHSEE Tutoring
Our High School Exit Exam program uses the same study guides, practice tests, and techniques that districts, such as Fresno and Clovis Unified, use to prepare the students. Like our SAT program, CAHSEE tutoring is available both during the school year and over summer.
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